Everything About Fishing in Minecraft - U7BUY Blog (2025)

U7BUY has a plethora of different items and boosted accounts for all kinds of games. Check out cheap Minecraft accounts that you can buy right now at great deals! Fishing in Minecraft not only makes for a relaxing and satisfying way to pass the time, but it can also be a nice way to catch some extra food and potentially rare items like Enchanted Books, Name Tags, and more! Here is a quick guide to fishing in Minecraft and all you can get from it.

Crafting a Fishing Rod

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You can also find many great deals on gaming currency on U7BUY. Find cheap Minecoins available now! Minecraft Fishing Rods can be crafted using 3 Sticks and 2 Strings. This makes Fishing Rods relatively easy to craft by breaking some Leaves and hunting a few Spiders at night. However, Minecraft Fishing Rods can also be found in chests such as those in Underwater Ruins or even from trading with fisherman Villagers at the Journeyman level. Finding Fishing Minecraft Rods in chests increases your chances of finding them enchanted with Unbreaking or Looting. You can also use multiple Fishing Rods to repair a singular one too!

How to Fish

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To use your Minecraft Fishing Rod, all you have to do is have it selected in your inventory and click on a body of water. You can be in any position you’d like whether that be on land, in a boat, or even underwater! The bobber from the Fishing Rod will be at the surface. You’ll need to watch the bobber carefully. If the bobber begins to hop and splash in the water, you must left click again to automatically reel in your catch and receive it in your inventory.

Fish and Items

There are four types of fish and a ton of items that can currently be caught in Minecraft. When it comes to the fish, there is the Cod, Salmon, Tropical Fish, and Pufferfish. Cod and Salmon can only be caught in rivers, lakes, and ponds. Tropical Fish and Pufferfish can be caught in open oceans. A good way to help you know is if you can see these Minecraft fish in the water already. If you are in need of specifically fish, you can always swim underwater and retrieve them yourself!

When it comes to the items, this is the main reason most players decide to fish. The rarest category of Minecraft items is considered Treasure in the game. This includes:

  • Bow
  • Enchanted Book
  • Fishing Rod
  • Name Tag
  • Nautilus Shell
  • Saddle

It is also possible to catch other items like Leather, Bones, Water Bottles, and others, but these items are a lot more common and are under the Junk category. The Minecraft Fishing Rods, Bows, and of course the Enchanted Books all have a chance of being enchanted when caught. However, some of the rarest Minecraft items are by far the Saddle and Name Tag due to fishing Minecraft being the only way to get them renewably.

Fishing Rod Enchantments

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While it can be hard and take a long time to actually catch a piece of Treasure, there are enchantments you can add to your Fishing Rods to help. There are 4 enchantments you can add to your Minecraft Fishing Rod (There is also aCurse of Vanishing but that will make it disappear upon death instead of retrievable).

  • Lure (Enchantment Table/Anvil) – Decreases the wait time to catch something by 5 seconds per level. (Max Level III)
  • Luck of the Sea (Enchantment Table/Anvil) – Increases your luck for Minecraft fishing. Your chances of catching Treasure increases by 2% per level (Max Level III)
  • Unbreaking (Enchantment Table/Anvil) – Increases the Durability of your Fishing Rod and other tools, weapons, and armor per level. (Max Level III)
  • Mending (Anvil Only) – Replenish the Durability lost on your Fishing Rod and other tools, weapons, and armor through Experience Points. (Max Level I)

Fishing Rod Durability

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Without any enchantments added, the Fishing Rod has a base Durability stat of 64 points in both Java and Bedrock editions. There are a couple of ways the Durability can decrease with use. Reeling in fish, Junk, or Treasure will only cost you one point. Casting out your line and reeling it back with nothing will cost no Durability, so no need to worry about recasting.

However, the biggest cost of Durability points is actually using your Fishing Rod for anything other than fishing. For example, you can cast your Minecraft Fishing Rod and make the bobber latch onto an Entity, including another player! Reeling it in will cause the Entity to be launched closer to you which can be useful in combat. However, doing so will cost 5 Durability points, so be aware of that if you plan to use your Fishing Rod as an extra weapon.

Other Durability costs for the Fishing Rod are also pretty large. Fishing Rods can also be used to reel in dropped items similar to how an Entity is caught. Reeling in an item will cost 3 Minecraft points. Lastly, casting your Fishing Rod into a solid block will cost 2 Durability points when reeling your bobber back, so try not to miss your targets much when using it on land!

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Everything About Fishing in Minecraft - U7BUY Blog (2025)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

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Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.